Saturday, 9 June 2012

I'm Baaaaaack!!!!

So here I am back again from holidays!  The stats are vacation days - 29, kilometers driven in our pretty mustang convertible - over 4,000 - number of days with the lid down - ONE - yep one!!!  One word describes that - rain, rain, rain - ok to be truthful we had about 3 sunny days but for the most part it was pretty rain along the Oregon Coast and Vancouver Island.  I made this card before we left, but didn't have the opportunity to post it.  Actually, I'm more of a sideseat driver - and I don't really drive - I just white knuckle it the whole way - my sweety is a fabulous driver - I am just a nervous passenger! Anyway, its good to be back and thanks for looking in today!


  1. welcome back xxxxxx looking forwward to hearing all about it - love the sentiment in the card

  2. Hey you - glad to be home - yep - you are getting a gigantic letter!!!!
